Sacrament of First Confession

St Oliver Plunkett N.S. Tues 7th March at 7pm in St Oliver Plunkett Church St Fursey’s N.S. Wed 8th March at 7pm in St Fursey’s Church St Francis N.S. Thur 9th March at 7pm in St Oliver Plunkett Church

A Celebration of Thanksgiving

Parish Pastoral Council, have organised a celebration of thanksgiving for all those involved in Parish Ministries. Incorporating a brief Prayer Service followed by Buffet Reception in The Geraldines GFC Hall on Wednesday 19th October at...

Parish Mass Schedule

Parish Mass Schedule The Parish Pastoral Council has reflected on the current needs in regards to Mass schedules within the Parish.  The new Mass schedule within the Parish is as follows, effective from Mon 28th Feb 2022.  Weekdays: St. Oliver Plunkett Church,...