The Easter Triduum
Holy Thursday. 1st April: Evening Mass of the Lord's Supper: 6.30p.m. Good Friday. 2nd April: A day of Fasting and Abstinence. Morning Prayer of the Church: 9.00a.m. Celebration of the Lord's Passion: 3.00p.m. Holy Saturday. 3rd April: Morning Payer of the Church:...
Holy Week Liturgies – 2021
The Liturgies of Holy Week and times are as follows. Sun. 28th March: Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion. Palm Crosses will be blessed at Mass and will be available in our Churches for families. Mon. 29th March: Mass: 9.00a.m. Tues. 30th March: Mass: 9.00a.m. Wed. 31st...
Season of Lent Commences Ash Wednesday 17th February 2021
Lent is a time of renewal of the love of God in each of us, and of conversion to live out of this experience of Jesus Christ in love of others. The weeks of Lent are a time to look into the hearts of our lives. Though we want to be people of the gospel and of Jesus...
Mass available on-line
In line with Government guildlines Sunday and weekday masses will be available on-line until further notice. On-line Mass Times: Saturday Vigil St. Furseys, Sunday 9.00am and 11.00am St. Furseys, Monday - Saturday 9am St. Furseys.
Parish Penitential Healing Service
St Fursey's Church on Monday 21st Dec at 7pm
Christmas Services
Mass Times: Christmas Eve Thurs 24th Dec. St Oliver Plunkett Church 3.00pm, 6.00pm & 9.00pm St Fursey's Church 4.30pm & 7.30pm can be followed online. Christmas Day. Fri 25th Dec St Fursey's Church 9.00am & 11am Can...
Public Celebration of Mass and the Sacraments.
The return to public worship will be a source of great joy and hope to our parish community. On Monday, 29th June, the weekday celebration of Mass will re-commence Mon-Sat in both churches: St. Fursey's at 9 am and St. Oliver Plunkett's at 10 am. The weekend...
ACCORD – New Free Helpline
ACCORD - New Free Helpline Accord’s new helpline identifies problems and offers advice to couples during pandemic restrictions. Accord’s free and confidential ‘Relationships Support Phone Line’ for marriages, families and relationships offers support to...
Liturgical Parish Celebrations for Holy Week
Live Streaming of Holy Week Services and times. Monday: = Mass 9am, Angelus 12noon, Evening Prayer of the Church 6pm. Tuesday: = Mass 9am, Angelus 12noon, Evening Prayer of the Church 6pm. Wednesday: = Mass 9am, Angelus 12noon, Evening Prayer of...
Greeting to all.
In these strange and unknown times, please “Be Safe and Keep Well” As a result of Covid 19, public Masses on weekdays and Sundays are cancelled for the present. Through the professionalism of “Church Services TV, our Parish Pastoral Council and Finance...
Webcam St Fursey’s Church
Our parish has installed a webcam in St Fursey's Church. Mass can be viewed online just click on this link Week day Mass at 9am Mon - Sat. Sunday Mass at 11am.
Prayer with the Sick and Housebound
Covid 19 Support line for Older People
ALONE has launched a national support line and additional supports for older people who have concerns or are facing difficulties relating to the outbreak of COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Professional staff are available to answer queries and give advice and...
Covid 19 Press Release
For enquires about Wedding, Baptism, or Funerals please Contact Fr Padraig Keenan PP on 042 9321621 The Parish of Haggardstown and Blackrock at this time is conscious of those who are unwell and those who care for them and will keep them in our prayer.
Sacrament of Marriage
Parish of Haggardstown and Blackrock Celebration of the "Sacrament of Marriage in St Oliver Plunkett Church Blackrock or St Fursey's Haggardstown. at least 3 months notice is required. for booking either church. YOU MUST CONTACT THE PARISH PRIEST Fr Padraig Keenan...